Implantation bleeding can be a very early sign of pregnancy. It occurs when the embryo nests in the endometrium and thus causes slight damage to the blood vessels that run through it. It should be remembered, however, that implantation spotting is not a permanent symptom of pregnancy and does not have to occur in every woman expecting a child.
When does implant bleeding occur?
Implantation bleeding may occur approximately 7 days after conception (no later than 12 days). Earlier, during the several dozen hours preceding spotting, a number of revolutionary processes related to fertilization occur in the woman’s body.
Fertilization is the effect of the sperm entering the egg, which most often happens in the so-called tubal bubble. This creates a zygote, composed of 46 chromosomes. In the following hours the first cell divisions occur and the zygote begins to move through the fallopian tubes towards the uterus. Usually, after 7-12 days it is implanted (implanted) in the wall of the uterus.
Is this not a period?
As we said, implantation bleeding occurs within 7-12 days of fertilization. If this happens closer to the twelfth day than on the seventh day, this time will coincide with the expected period. For many women, this can be confusing – implantation bleeding can be taken for the usual period. However, you should know that both types of bleeding are very different. How to distinguish implant bleeding from period?
Implantation bleeding is usually rare and low. At most, the underwear or panty liner will appear in the form of small spots. Importantly, implantation bleeding is not associated with any additional ailments. Implantation bleeding is not accompanied by lower abdominal pain, and there are no blood clots.
Implantation spotting usually lasts shorter than menstrual bleeding, usually the duration of implantation spotting is about three days, however it happens that it lasts only a few hours.
Other bleedings
Unfortunately, bleeding in pregnancy can sometimes be associated with an ectopic pregnancy. What is an ectopic pregnancy? In the case of ectopic or ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg instead of the endometrium is implanted in the tubal tubule (it is as much as 90% of all ectopic pregnancies). Definitely less ectopic pregnancy develops in the ovary, other part of the fallopian tube, cervix and peritoneum. Usually, the first sign of an ectopic pregnancy, just like a normal pregnancy, is stopping the woman from having monthly bleeding. In addition, other, worrying symptoms are beginning to appear. First of all, a woman begins to feel abdominal pain, especially in the lower abdomen, sometimes this pain can spread to the shoulders, as well as to the clavicle. In addition, usually in the second week after the menstrual bleeding stops, vaginal bleeding also begins, which can sometimes be very heavy. This situation requires immediate medical consultation.